
The first objective of LeCAKE Train is to mobilise 7 small cultural organisations associated with a think tank in a transition process. Recognising that this process must be long-term, our organisations want to have a common base of knowledge, skills and resources to enable them to be “equipped” to lead their transformation.

To translate this objective into a programme, the partners set themselves a second objective: to define 4 themes to be explored and to transform them into educational modules.

These modules will be shared and tested internally and with the associated partners, then evaluated.

Following this concept, the partners aim to publish and promote these tools in order to make them available to cultural actors in the broadest sense, including education and citizenship.

This collection of tools has been designed in 4 chapters of 4 modules, i.e. 16 modules:

  1. international references (the EU’s Green Deal and New Bauhaus, the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, IPCC reports)
  2. proposals from the Shift Project  think tank and its programme to decarbonise culture, in a version adapted to small European cultural organisations
  3. agile models that drive innovation (fablabs, living labs, hackathons, etc.)
  4. artists’ proposals for creative tools to stimulate future sustainable projects

These 16 modules are structured in the form of educational sequences in 3 parts:

  • knowledge acquisition and learner discussion (inverted pedagogy),
  • meeting with experts and questions and answers on inspiring examples,
  • Ideation workshop to convert these learnings into proposals.

One of the outcomes of the project will be to increase the skills of the partners’ teams on transition issues. The training modules will be tested online every week in the partners’ network and associated partners. Four face-to-face sessions in the partner countries will also be offered to evaluate and finalise the learning.

The collection of modules resulting from the experiment will be made available online in creative commons format in order to irrigate the cultural sectors of the different partner countries. It is another concrete result of the project.

Promotional events taking place in the consortium countries will give the 8 partners and 20 associated partners the opportunity to publicise the approach and promote the tools put online.

LeCAKE Train will create and implement educational tools that explore the ecological transition and then disseminate them to citizens (senior professionals and young “entrants” to the cultural sector, to enable them to gain competence).